LEPC HazMat Exercise

The Marion County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) (MCPHD) conducted a Hazardous Materials exercise in an area between Riley and Eskenazi hospitals. Eskenazi Health, IU Health - Methodist, Riley and University, the VA Medical Center, IUPUI, Indianapolis EMS (IEMS), Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD), MESH, and other agencies teamed up to conduct the full scale exercise. Community members were invited to participate as mock victims and undergo moulage, the art of applying mock injuries for the purpose of training, and decontamination. These "victims" acted out injuries and illness based on the hazard identified on the scene.

The MedMACC was activated and responded during the exercise to manage incident-related decision support information such as tracking critical resources, situation updates, and intelligence or investigative information. Through this collaborative effort, the exercise provided many responders and clinicians the chance to experience first-hand how we all work together throughout the emergency management cycle. 

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