Volunteers Needed: Marion County LEPC full scale Hazardous Materials Exercise

The Marion County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is teaming up with Eskenazi Health, IU Health - Methodist, Riley and University, the VA Medical Center, IUPUI, Indianapolis EMS (IEMS), Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD), MESH and other agencies for a full scale Hazardous Materials Exercise.

Event organizers are requesting volunteers from each of the hospitals and service groups to volunteer to participate. Not only are they seeking adults, but also children, ideally aged 8-18.

The MESH Coalition is helping to coordinate the volunteers. Please call 317-630-7409 or email your interest to: meshintel@meshcoalition.org

Include your name, organization, contact information, how many people are accompanying you and their ages, and if they will wear a swimsuit.

We will compile a list of volunteers and send out additional information and paperwork the week prior to the exercise.

Date: Thursday, July 13, 2017

Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Eskenazi Health, IU Health - Methodist, Riley, & University, VA Medical Center, IUPUI Campu

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